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DIY Glitter Notebook Set

Hello hello, long time no see! I have been busy with my other life as a set designer recently, and I'm trying to figure out a better way of scheduling my time so I can fit Etsy work and blogging back in more solidly... So to kick off some more regular posting for Autumn, here is a fun little DIY, a super quick glittery stationery fix.

To make this set of glittery notebooks, all you need is some A5 glitter paper (I got mine in a pack from Hobbycraft), some plain paper, a laminator (optional) and a sewing machine. If you don't have a sewing machine you can hand sew these just as easily. 

To start with, I laminated my glitter paper in A5 laminator pouches - just to make a protective layer for the notebooks, and to stop glitter going everywhere when I use them. If you don't mind a bit of glitter spillage in your life, you can skip this step. I then trimmed plain paper to size, 4-6 sheets of A4 is best. 

Once your pages are together, you can just run the centre spine through a sewing machine to bind them together. Start slowly to check the thickness is ok for your needle, and make sure that you change your needle afterwards as it will have been blunted a bit by the paper. Tip: I keep a special needle aside for sewing paper with so I don't ruin my other needles. 

These are so quick, and the results are great - they would make such a cute present for a friend as a little set. 

x Rachel 

One Sketch a Day

This year I've been practicing my drawing with one of these One Sketch a Day books. "Improve my drawing skills" has been on pretty much on every goals list I've written in the last few years, but I was finding that I was never very inspired to actually practice. This little book has been an amazing motivator! The boxes are quite small, so they don't feel intimidating, it always feels like I have time to squeeze in a little sketch every day. I've attempted a few 365 projects over the last few years - mostly with photos - but this is the longest I've managed to keep one going. Now that there is a good bank of material there, it's more and more satisfying to keep filling up the book one little box at a time. 

Anyone else doing a sketch a day? Or any other 365 projects that are still going strong? I'd love to see! 

x Rachel 


From Our Wedding Pinboard

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

I'm starting a new feature today which is a little overdue... Obviously since becoming engaged I have been pinteresting like no tomorrow, collecting inspiration images for our wedding. All of our ideas a very broad at the moment, I'm reluctant to settle on a theme just yet... But I thought I would share a few of my recent favourites from our pinterest board here, so we can all bask in the pretty wedding loveliness. 

These images conveniently happen to be from some of my favourite wedding blogs, which I am now even more obsessed with: 

// Rock n Roll Bride (of course, my absolute fav - has anyone been getting the new magazine? So great!!) 

// Festival Brides - has great advice for outdoor weddings

// Love My Dress - so many beautiful and touching stories, as well as amazing images. 

// Whimsical Wonderland Weddings - I particularly love the village hall wedding linked above! So cute, and along the vibe we will probably be going for...

Do you have any favourite wedding blogs you recommend? 

x Rachel 

Photo Shoot Preview

On Monday we held a little Easter picnic in our garden, and combined it with a photo shoot for some new Pointless Pretty Things products. It was so fun! I made a ribbon backdrop and set up a lounge area, and we ate lots of food and drank tea from teacups. Thanks to two of my beautiful besties for being wonderful models. 

I've been working on this new range of wedding accessories for a while now, and I am SO excited to finally release them next week. 

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine...

x Rachel 

A little look into my Studio...

When we moved house in September, I finally gained a home studio – and it is the best. Every place I’ve lived previously has been taken over with my designer mess – with all my supplies stacked in boxes in cupboards and work having to take place on the living room floor. As I’m sure anyone who has a combination work/living place will know, it can be a bit chaotic. I was finding it really hard to be productive, and the lines between work time and down time were completely blurred – I often used to just work until it was time to go to bed. I’ve been ready to move into a studio space for what seems like forever, and it feels so great to finally have my own space! So I thought I’d share a little tour with you, to show how I use my studio in a normal working day. Also, you can play spot the cat!

I have two desks – this one by the window is my main desk for both admin and making jobs. It’s from Ikea, and it is height adjustable so I can also use it as a standing desk – which is so handy for things like fabric cutting. The grey worktop is also great for a neutral background for photos – so if you've seen my instagram that explains a lot of my photos. This is also where Ceci the cat likes to hang out all day people watching.

On the opposite side is my sewing table, with my shiny new sewing machine – the Singer One - which I am loving. I use the three clipboards to display my weekly schedule, my goal lists, and also any inspiration images from projects I’m working on. The shelving unit holds all of my non-fiction/craft books, magazines (mostly Mollie Makes) and stacks and stacks of wood slices that I use in my shop. Also a little storage favourite is my cake-stand turned washi tape holder.

The room divider/storage unit is my favourite. All the supplies I need are organised and easy to reach, which cuts down the dead time between tasks where usually I would have had to search around for things all over the house.

Having a studio in my house has completely revolutionised my work life! Even though it is quite small, having a whole room as a separate work place is amazing – both practically and psychologically. Getting ready in the morning, then popping into the studio with a cup of coffee really helps me to focus and get into work-mode. When it’s time to finish for the day, I can leave the craft mess behind me and shut the door. I love it.

So that's it! I hope you've enjoyed this little peek into my studio.

x Rachel