The Happy List

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Elsewhere on the web.... 

>>> This DIY Light-Box Tutorial - so easy and clever - definitely going to be trying this out soon for my product photographs... 

>>> 100 DIY ideas on Apartment Therapy.

>>> The WOW Petition (against the War on Welfare) - a petition to fight against the cuts to disability allowances that will make so many lives that much harder. 

>>> I've just started using Buffer to schedule some of my tweets and facebook updates... Loving it so far! 

And offline... 

>>> Ordering supplies and starting to get my product lines together... 

>>> The thought of some exciting design meetings coming up. We just got funding for a new show to be premiered in November!

>>> I've finally managed to organise myself enough to take a packed lunch to work. I know this seems like a silly thing to get excited about, but I have been trying and failing to get into this habit since school!! It's the little things... haha. 

What's making you happy this week? 

x Rachel 
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