The Happy List

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The Happy List is back, and here are my latest additions:

1// This vintage railway poster art by Frank Newbould - I have fond memories of Southend-on-Sea so I would love to have something like this hanging up in our house. 

2// I'm making a quilt for someone at the moment, made up of squares collected from their family and friends, and it has really given me the quilting bug! I love this triangle pattern, think something like this will be my next project.  

3// Look at this little floral crowned kitty... 

4// "If it doesn't matter, get rid of it" - something I am trying to live by at the moment. I used to have the approach of saying yes to everything and then thinking about it later, but this year I have made a big effort to practice saying no. 

5// I love this DIY gem mirror from A Beautiful Mess. So much easier than it first looks!

6// I've recently discovered the textile design work of Rebecca Atwood and I am in love! Her design process is so inspiring... Take a look at this whole collection, just beautiful. 

And there you have it. What's making you happy this week? 

x Rachel 
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