A little catch-up...

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Well hello strangers, long time no see! It's been such a long blogging break, and I don't really know how it happened. Things got very very busy towards the end of last year, and I started feeling a bit uninspired and just got out of the habit. I have this trouble at the moment where I feel like I am pursuing a lot of different avenues in my career, and each avenue is getting busier and busier. Which is brilliant! However, I'm starting to feel like the time is coming where I will have to choose, or forever be a Jackie of all trades... But I can't decide where my true ambitions lie, so it's really hard to cut down the amount I'm taking on. Is anyone else having similar tricksy issues? 

Anyway, I do know that I have missed this little blog, so I'm working on a complete redesign at the moment, which should be ready soon... But in the mean time I thought I'd just do a little catch up on what's been going on in my internet silence. 

Since my last post many moons ago, I have designed five shows (and worked on many more). It was a crazy crazy few months, a lot of fun, a lot of stress and a lot of learning. 

A few big life events happened too... We moved from our tiny flat in East London, to a lovely little house in Orpington, and we're very much enjoying the slightly quieter suburban life. I even have my own home studio now (I'll do a little tour of that soon)! 

We also adopted a little Cat! She is called Cecilia, but mostly we call her Ceci, and she is a lovely little rascal. We've only had her for a few months, but I can't imagine life without her. 

And last but certainly not least... the final bit of news is: We got engaged!!!! Jake proposed on Christmas Day, which was just the best thing ever (and a massive surprise)! So expect a lot of wedding excitement, mood boards and DIYs on the blog from now on... as I have a wedding to design. EEE!! 

So that's what I've been up to. I'm looking forward to blogging more and also to catching up on all of your blogs too. Happy 2015 everyone! 

x Rachel 
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