Moulin Rouge Event Design

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Hello, it's been a while - again! I just thought I'd pop by and share one of the many reasons for my internet absence... I'm styling up a Moulin Rouge event next week for around 300 guests - crikey.

Moulin Rouge is a bit of a gift of a theme really, lots of luxurious red draping and marquee sign making, black and red ostrich feathers and diamantes . I've finally got an excuse to try out the many light-up sign tutorials I've been seeing on Pinterest recently. I'll be sure to share some pictures of the finished article next week. 

In other news, although it has been quiet here, I've got plans for little old bloggy... Maybe a redesign, but most definitely a refocus. This year so far has been amazing work wise, but has knocked me sideways slightly. I feel like I am spinning so many plates that my favourite ones keep slipping (this blog and shop being the favourite plates in this analogy). I just need to find a way of slotting them back into my life in a way that's sustainable, so hopefully some of you will stick around while I work out the kinks. 

Lots of love, 

x Rachel 
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