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I'm quite excited about sharing this tutorial with you today - mainly because this idea has been sitting in my notebook for ages and I've finally got around to it! This is slightly more long winded than my usual tutorials, but still not too difficult - if you find yourself in a sewing mood on a rainy afternoon this is for you.
You will need: square of calico/canvas material 75 x 75cm, 1m square black or grey fabric, black fabric paint/ink, silver spray paint, fabric pens, sewing machine, 2 pieces of wooden dowel (75cm), red string/jute to hang with.
1// Iron the canvas fabric and lay it out on a flat surface. Tie a pencil to a piece of string approx 60cm long and fix it to the centre point - use this to draw a circle.
2// Find a picture of the moon to draw reference from and copy the details out roughly in pencil. You can be as simple or as detailed as you like with this!
3// Paint in the moon craters with fabric paint (I diluted mine with water to get different shades). You can kind of use whatever medium you like for this as it's unlikely that you will need to wash your wall art. I used a mixture of fabric pen, paint, ink and little splatters of silver spray paint. It all adds to an interesting texture!
4// Cut out your moon and appliqué it on to the black backing fabric. I used a sewing machine, but you could definitely do this by hand. A little word of warning - try to choose a backing fabric that solid and not too stretchy. I made this mistake and it is a right pain to get the moon to stay circular if you are working with stretchy fabric! Make sure you pin it securely in place before you start sewing...
5// If you are using a sewing machine, lower the teeth settings that feed the fabric through the machine to allow you to go freestyle. Then you can effectively draw with your thread and go around the crater details to add even more texture.
6// Hem the top and bottom of your backing fabric, leaving enough space to feed your wooden dowel through. You could also hem the side edges, but I left mine with a raw edge as I kind of like it that way. Attach some jute string or ribbon and hang on the wall with pride!
I'm pretty pleased with the way this turned out! I wanted a big moon print for ages, but I love the fun crafty look of this appliqué version. It's pretty scruffy and not perfectly round, but has a certain charm don't you think?
x Rachel
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