DIY Paper Daisy Chain

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I love daisy chains, I used to make them at school in the summertime - we would all make them at break and join them together to make "the longest chain ever!!". I wanted to recreate this summery feeling with a daisy chain that will last a bit longer... I'm really pleased with the result.

You will need: white paper, yellow felt, double sided tape or glue dots, green embroidery thread. 

1// Cut the white paper into little white circles about 2.5cm in diameter. Use a picture reference to cut petal shapes around the edges. I used tiny scissors for this - slightly less fiddly than a knife.

2// Use a knife to lightly score the shapes of the petals into the paper.. This gives the right effect without making the paper too flimsy. 

3// Cut the yellow felt into tiny circles for the daisy centres and fix them into place with a glue dot/double sided tape/fixative of choice. 

4// Attach the daisies to the embroidery thread with a little strip of masking tape (you may have to cut it down to size). 

5// Find things to hang them on. I suggest a pretty birdcage or something equally pointless and pretty: 

I love these, they would be great for a summer picnic party! I will be selling a slightly pimped out version of them in my shop when it opens... But I thought I would share them with you now as I'm too impatient. Not long to go now :) 

x Rachel 
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